At Miss You Montessori, we are committed to providing high-quality holistic education, offering a Montessori conventional approach, and selective best practices from early childhood education methods through ongoing research and development.

Miss You Montessori Curriculum

Practical Life

The exercises of Practical Life are the foundation of a Montessori environment. There are four components in Practical Life exercises: Care of Self, Care of the Environment (indoor and outdoor), Social Grace and Courtesy, and Development of Motor Skills.

Through spontaneous and purposeful work with the Practical Life exercises, children develop control and coordination of movement, good work habits, responsibility, concentration and independence.

These activities also heighten children’s awareness of their environment and help them develop positive self images.

Sensorial Exercises

Children learn through their five senses. The primary purpose of sensory exercises is to further refine the child’s senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. With the use of specially designed Montessori sensory apparatus, children learn to order, relate, explore and classify their sense perception.

Besides helping children to be more sensitive to their learning environment, the sensory materials also lay a foundation for later concepts in subjects like Mathematics, Geometry, Geography, Science, and Music and Art.


A multi-sensory approach that combines phonics, stories and language experiences to bring meaning to the learning of reading and writing. Children do not learn by heart, but utilize all their senses to help them read and write with proper understanding.

Discovering language becomes interesting and fun through activities in the Pink, Blue and Green Montessori series. Grammar concepts are also taught to enhance the child’s attention to the use of words in everyday speech.


Montessori Mathematics is taught through the manipulation of concrete objects. With the many opportunities for hands-on experiences, children will be taught addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, the decimal system, number bonds and problem solving.

Cultural / Science

Nature Study

This includes the study of living and non-living things. Children will have the opportunity to explore and understand their environment.

Botany and Zoology

Children are exposed to the study of plants and animals. They will be taught to classify impressions into clear and simple categories.


In this topic, children will be introduced to the various continents, countries, states, land and water forms, and the solar system. This aims to inculcate a sense of wonderment and appreciation of our world’s physical environment.


Through creative activities such as modeling, painting and collage, children are taught to understand the distinction between past and present and how past events have led to present situations.


Bilingual Immersion Program

We have strong Mandarin Montessori Program for children introduces Chinese through play, interaction and creative activities. Here the focus is on getting children to acquire listening and simple reading skills, to motivate them to speak the language and to build a strong foundation for further development.

The Arts “Arty Hands!”

To encourage children to express themselves, interesting and fun activities such as drawing, painting, collage work and handicraft will be planned for them. Through these guided activities, children will be able to experience success and this, in turn, will help boost their self-esteem.

Cookery “Gourmet Kids!”

Cookery sessions are a big hit with our little chefs! Here, the emphasis is on hands-on, messy ways to learn an important life skill. While the children learn to prepare food in a safe and fun environment, they are also introduced to new vocabulary and measuring concepts.

World Studies “Global Citizen”

Miss You Montessori’s “Global Citizen” program is a unique program specially crafted to tie in with our school’s emphasis on Montessori’s Cultural/Social Studies. Through this “Global Citizen” program, we hope to better expose children to the world around them and encourage them to appreciate, respect and enjoy the diversity of life.

Other Fun-Filled Activities

  • Celebrations
  • Field Trips
  • Physical Play
  • Music & Movement
  • Year-End Concert